# of Births Attended
# of Families Served
- Full spectrum doula training by Ancient Song Doula Services
- Full spectrum doula training by Sumi’s touch
- Placenta specialist training by TDMA
- Full spectrum doula training by Uzazi’s Village
- Peer to peer lactation counseling training by Uzazi’s Village
- Sexual health educator training by Uzazi’s Village
- Reiki level 1&2 by “Taino Reiki” Bibi Yukani
- Spiritual Herbalism level 1 by Karen Rose
- Legacy program by Midwifery in Color
- FEMM teacher training (fertility education and medical management
- Midwife mentorship from Tema Mercado
- Belly binding by Tema Mercado
- Scar tissue remediation by Pati Garcia
- Transmasculine fertility & birth workshop for birthworkers by Kayden Coleman
About the Provider
Heyy, I’m Erica a full spectrum doula. I provide cultural & spiritual education + support on birth, postpartum + fertility/menstruation.
I am the 2nd generation to be born in the US. Three out of four of my grandparents were born in Boriquen present day Puerto Rico, and the 4th was born in Chile. I actually know nothing of my Chilean ancestry or culture, but would love to learn sometimes soon. Essentially I was raised solely with my Boricua culture, typical “nuyorican” super loud and proud of my culture.
My culture and traditions play a big role in the way I move in this world, especially in my birth work. Around 2015 I found my calling to become a Partera/midwife. The goal was and still is to become a midwife like my ancestors, not just equipped with knowledge on catching babies but also with knowledge in herbs, spiritual healing, body work, etc. I just knew I needed to become a midwife with traditional values so I can serve my people and offer support and care that was not readily available. I later found out that this work runs through my veins! My maternal abuelita, Estela, let me know that her grandmother, my tatarabuela was a Taino midwife.
It’s been 7 long years on this journey and so much has happened. Becoming a partera is not something that’s done in one lifetime but rather in several lifetimes and generations. I had to remember the work my ancestors did. I started off by building a deeper connection to the ancestral knowledge and traditions that were already passed down to me, as well as making it a priority to sit at the feet of my elders and listen to their stories & teachings. I went down so many rabbit holes and learned and unlearned so much! I eventually became a doula in 2017 to get my foot into the birth world.
Now not only am I a full spectrum doula but also a student midwife! I offer support to BIPOC through all stages of reproductive health, whether that be puberty, uterine health, fertility, natural birth control, abortion, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and menopause. My support is well rounded in spiritual advisement, herbal folk medicine, traditional healing, body literacy and so much more.